” My mindset, views on sex, and humans:  This came to the unveiling through personal mdma therapy; the original root of this deep vibe came from a place of pain and swimming thoughts.. realization of beauty, life, and art. “

Inspo/motivation; Most of my motivation to create content, art, & music for others, as well as myself; comes from a place of trauma..Β  I didnt always have this lifestyle.Β  I used to be very agonized, insecure, alone and depression was eating me. I never had a super close support system that was positive. I thought I was going to die from my stomach issues and suicidality.. Birth Control literally almost killed me. I learned so much while I spent much time hospitalized. I didnt think I would be here today to do any of this!Β  Once I figured out all of my medical issues finally, and started to heal; my brain that was blurred all those years started to come back to life.Β  I started to feel all that i had seen.Β  My new found energy and try at life; has shown me that I have the potential to help others not feel as lonely and scared as I used to be in those years.Β  I need to share with you; that you are never as degraded or low as you may feel at times. You can re-manifest. Always find the positivity in the power of your body and mind.Β  You have more potential in things than you see. You are beautiful and this short time we have here together is as well.


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